English Tree Q-Cards
SKU: Q-EAQ1-409-15-1
This set of Q-Cards comes in four 12 x 6 x 6 inch corrugated boxes containing a total of 476 5x5 inch laminated, magnetized Q-Cards divided into 8 color-coded categories:
- Subjects - Blue
- Verbs - Green
- Places/Events - Red
- Food - Purple
- Objects - Orange
- Time/Weather - Pink
- Transportation - Teal
- Various - Yellow (contains a mix of prepositions, conjunctions, articles and expressions)
- Adjectives/Adverbs - Grey
This is the most complete set of QCard collection. This set, except for around a dozen of English-specific conjunctions and articles, can be used when teaching any other languages.
For School Purchases Using PO
Please send the PO to sales@qtalk.com.
Your order will be processed once we receive your PO. We will notify you via email of its receipt.