Nos rêves de vacances Part 2 of “Qu’est-ce que tu dis?”
SKU: B-FB2-320-14-1
194 pages. 550 words combined into sentences and dialogues.
Introduction to conjugating in the present, gerund and the past.
Available in interactive digital format with online activities.
and assessment. Suitable for 2 to 3 classes a week.
- Subjects
- Verbs
- Reflexive
- verbs
- places
- objects
- clothes
- items of food
- Adjectives
- Adverbs
- Colors
- numbers 1 to 100
- Conjunctions
- prepositions
- Days of the week
- Times of day
- Hours
- Days of the week
- Months
- Season
- Parts of the body
- faire and avoir expressions
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