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BOOK 2: Nos rêves de vacances

BOOK 2: Nos rêves de vacances

SKU: B-FB2-320-14-1

Sapling Book 2 "Nos Rêves de Vacances" is the progression from Sapling Book 1 "QU'EST-CE QUE TU DIS?".  It includes the new vocabulary of 450 words and an introduction to the past tense. The book is composed of a continuous story in 8 Chapters. The main topics explored are:

  1. Conjugation in the plural / the present progressive
  2. Articles and directions
  3. Adverbs  Genders
  4. Adjectives and Seasons
  5. Family and professions
  6. Object pronouns and the Imperative mode
  7. The preterit
  8. The imperfect
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