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初级中文闪卡100张 Chinese Q-Cards (100)

初级中文闪卡100张 Chinese Q-Cards (100)

SKU: Q-CFC100-12

初级中文闪卡包含100张闪示卡,涵盖所有的句子成分,按照成分的不同分为13大类,每一类有其相应的颜色。每一类有其相应的颜色。每张卡都经过塑封加工,并在背面附有磁铁,正面附有图片和汉字。让你的学生在第一堂课,就能说完整的句子!通过这些表意清晰的图片,使学习语法结构更直观有趣! 随产品附赠1个闪卡收纳架。
This product contains 100 cards. The cards cover all parts of speech, and are divided into 13 color-coded categories. The cards are laminated and magnetized and have both picture and characters on the front. Give your students the gift of speaking instantly in complete sentences from the very first lesson! Immediately recognizable iconic symbols make grammar something fun to practice for students.  Now comes with 1 plexiglass organizer.

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